The go-to source for all things nightlife in Montreal. 20 years of industry expertise and over 30,000 parties under our belt, we have the inside scoop on all the best spots.
Trust us to help you plan the perfect night on the town in Montreal.
The Bachelor Party to end all bachelor parties is fast approaching and you as Best Man are now charged with the solemn and ultimate Single Guy Duty of putting together a blowout that the lucky attendees may eventually recover from but one from which they’ll never forget!
But, unfortunately in this very real world, along with this joyous duty comes the weight of a realistic Bachelor budget that conforms to our globally depressed economy. As they say, we all tend to have champagne tastes but are plagued with beer pockets.
So, let’s face it Fellas- Our expectations are always expanding even when our disposable income is ever shrinking and this looming bachelor bacchanal definitely comes under the heading of Luxury Spending nowadays. But never fear because we are here to offer some Quick Tips that can see you free and clear to both a wild celebration of deviant behavior and a sober, manageable budget that doesn’t hamper your F-U-N.
1. Network, network, NETWORK!
Burn up that smart device in your hand and get your guests involved.
This is one instance where social media skills will come in infinitely handy. Great deals are out there and your network hookups can conveniently (and instantly) turn you on to the best bargains on flights, car rentals, and you’ll be calling us anyway to manage your hotel and venues. Heck, you may even happen across someone that can help you get a deal at a place they work or they “know a guy.”
This is definitely one cyber search that won’t let you down!
2. Don’t just think big, think VOLUME.
Whether contacting airlines, auto rentals or salesmen of all stripes remember that you’ve got the commodity that they want- SIZE! Remind them that your bachelor party plan includes a number of guests (a little creative math may come in handy here) and subsequently their payment will be a pile of the green stuff they covet.
Volume equals volume DISCOUNTS (should be 20%) so don’t take no for an answer. Montreal Nightlife already has group size discounts as part of our formula, as well as lowest price guarantees, but it doesn’t hurt to try and get your own deals when you can muster them.
Never be afraid to ask for a discount, especially if you’re bringing a large group of people along. Companies love to work with bulk orders – it makes their lives easier!
3. Money upfront makes everything smoother.
Look, we’re not suggesting you chase your party guests around like a loan shark but pre-emptive collection of all party fees from your fiscally responsible (and even irresponsible) guests will make your task easier. And prompt collection will provide you the bottom line goals you need as well as the real world leverage that will come with your cash-in-hand authority when dealing with vendors.
Money is never an easy subject to bring up with friends, so if you find yourself facing a guest that just won’t cough up the dough, handle the situation delicately. Explain how important it is to have everything up front. It should get them moving on giving their portion of the expense.
4. Stay close to home and drive.
Montreal is about a 6 hour drive from Toronto and New York. Flying will cost close to $500, but when you consider arriving early at the airport, flight time, baggage claim, customs, getting from the airport to your hotel, flying actually takes as much time as driving and will set a group of 10 people back $5000.
To give you a frame of reference, that’s the equivalent of 18 bottles of Goose!
If you can avoid flying, absolutely consider the alternative of driving. It’ll save you money and can actually turn into a grand adventure of its own! Who knows what you may happen across along the way.
5. Just choose Montreal.
When it boils down to it, you really should just choose Montreal as your city of choice. We could go down the list of all of the incredible things the city has too offer, but there are just three points you should know:
Is that convincing enough for you? If so, get on the phone with us today so we can start organizing the actual Montreal bachelor party and you can start handling the financial side of it!